Tomorrow is Thursday 25th February and Francesca and I will be screening our final music video to an audience.
I created 3 posters that we have stuck up around the Sixth Form area of school, so hopefully we will get a lot of people coming to watch out music video. What we did with the posters is we didnt conform to the usual type of promotion by making the review positive. The posters were humerous and in some ways we used reverse physcology. By using obscene images and negative reviews, we felt that the audience would be more inclined to watch the music video. Here are the three posters we stuck up around the school:
The main purpose of the questionaire and viewing was to get some negative and positive feedback on our final product. Francesca created a questionnaire that asks the following questions:
1. Are you male or female? Please also write your age here: _____
2. After watching the music video, what did you enjoy the most? (It may have been the song itself, the characters, the actors etc.)
3. Was there a certain scene in particular that you found the most effective?
4. Would you consider buying or downloading this track after hearing it during the video? Please circle an answer and then give a reason on the lines below: Yes, No or Unsure.
5. Do you think that the music video fit well and was appropriate to the Dubstep genre? Please explain further if necessary. Yes, No or Unsure.
6. Which character do you feel you associate yourself with the most? (For example, you may want to mention appearance and personality)
7. Which character do you sympathise with the most? (Please describe what they wore or ask Jared or Francesca to help identify them at the moment)
8. Were there any shots or angles in particular that you liked the most?
9. Were there any colours or effects used that you liked in particular?
10. Finally, if you have any comments or criticisms, please note them down below: